There were 4 sound problems that had plagued the church for years.
- Members of the church could not hear certain priests and readers with soft voices
- The choir in the balcony could not hear at all.
- Priests and altar servers could not hear in the sanctuary seating areas.
- The wireless mics were constantly cutting out and unreliable for the weekend masses
Gelnett & Associates arranged a site visit to see and measure the sound problems the church was having. It was determined that the existing speaker system although quite expensive was the wrong design and coverage for the church. The mixer and amplifiers were located in a storage closet with no access and ability to adjust for loud or soft talkers. No speakers were on the sanctuary area or the choir loft.
The solution was as follows:
- Install a new Bose speaker system to cover the nave, choir loft and sanctuary areas.
- Install a mixer to automatically compensate for loud of soft talkers
- Provide new rugged wireless microphones with rechargeable battery system.
A demonstration of the system was provided to the church to use for a weekend. After the trial it was determined by all administrative staff and priests that this was finally the system and contractor that they had been looking for and a contract was awarded.
The system was installed in a timely manner by Gelnett & Associates certified installers and a representative was provided for the first weekend masses to do final settings and training. Another breathtaking system and happy customer from the Regions # 1 Church Sound Contractor.